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Ibn Haldun University and Mogadishu University Signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Ibn Haldun University and Mogadishu University Signed a Memorandum of Understanding
The two Universities have agreed to collaborate on various areas including international exchange programs and joint projects.

A delegation lead by Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed Mursal, President of Mogadishu University, which is one of the prominent universities of Somalia, has paid an official visit to Prof. Dr. Atilla Arkan, President of our University. After the meeting with the Mogadishu University delegation, in which the possible areas of cooperation between the two universities were discussed, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed.

According to the agreement, it is aimed to carry out student exchange programs and joint projects and activities, as well as to do joint scientific studies and facilitate academic staff mobility. It is also foreseen to contribute to the academic development through joint academic commissions to be established between the two universities.
