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Saudi Arabia Cultural Attaché Visited Our University

Saudi Arabia Cultural Attaché Visited Our University
Potential cooperation opportunities were discussed during the visit of the Cultural Attaché of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Ankara to our University.

Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ankara, Assoc. Prof. Faisal Abdulrahman Osra, visited Başakşehir Complex of our University on September 11, 2024. Welcomed by our Vice Rector Prof. Özcan Erkan Akgün, our Director of International Office Enes Yalman and his team, Assoc. Prof. Osra and possible areas of cooperation that our University can make with universities in Saudi Arabia were evaluated.

After being informed about our academic studies, Assoc. Prof. Osra was introduced to the physical facilities and infrastructure of our university with a tour of the complex. The visit program ended with mutual gift presentations.
