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Our Academicians with the Best Lesson Sample were Awarded

Our Academicians with the Best Lesson Sample were Awarded
Those who were deemed worthy of the award from the best course teaching examples presentations held on September 15-17, 2023 at the Island of Democracy and Freedom Consultation and Discussion Camp found their owners.

After the four-stage evaluation process organized by the Artificial Intelligence, Innovative Learning and Teaching Center within the Faculty of Educational Sciences of our university, our academicians with the best course examples were determined as Dr. Ömer Faruk Erol, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Dilşad Yakut, Dr. Mehmet Karanfiloğlu, Dr. Sümeyye Kuşakçı, Dr. Tuba Erkoç Baydar, Dr. Asad Ul Islam Khan, Dr. Merve Aktar and Dr. Najiba Mustafayeva. 

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Atilla Arkan presented the awards and certificates to our academicians. 

Arkan concluded the ceremony by mentioning the importance of being a good role model for students, that the University is open to all kinds of innovations to improve teaching and that the important thing is to be on the road, not to reach the end of the road.
