Mustafa al-Azami, who had outstanding studies in his science journey covering India and other Islamic geography and blended classical method and modern methodology in his research, analyzed orientalist ideas with his vast knowledge of Hadith sciences and the history of the Qur’an. He was known for his scholarly refutations against the theses of some Western researchers asserting the invalidity of the İsnâd system.
Professor and head of Islamic Studies Department Bilal Aybakan said in his presentation: “We would like to thank all of you who attended this symposium, especially dear children of Mustafa el-Azami. We invited who is expert in the respective field. While remembering al-Azami, we also wanted this symposium to be a two-day scientific feast on different topics.”
President of Ibn Haldun University Recep Şentürk gave a greeting speech at the opening of the symposium. He stated: “I learned from Azami how would a scholar be, what type of morality he has and how he looks at life. We can’t learn from books how should a scholar be; rather we do it through living with teachers like Mustafa el-Azami. Today, Mustafa el-Azami’s sons Akil and Enes are also here. They donated the library of Mustafa el-Azami to our university. We would like to thank them for their participation and great contributions.”
Scholar Muhammed Avvame appreciated Ibn Haldun University for commemorating el-Azami and organizing this symposium. He emphasized that Azami is an important scholar who combined tradition and modernity and wrote refutations against orientalism without being affected by it.
The International Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami Symposium, which hosted valuable academicians and researchers contributed with their papers for two days, ended with a closing and evaluation session. The papers presented at the International Muhammad Mustafa al-Azamî Symposium are going to be collected into a book as soon as possible to the benefit of the world of science.