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Through The Actions We Carry Out İn Accordance With Our Earthquake Action Plan, We Will Work Together To Heal The Wounds Of The Residents Of Kahramanmaraş And The Surrounding Area

Through The Actions We Carry Out İn Accordance With Our Earthquake Action Plan, We Will Work Together To Heal The Wounds Of The Residents Of Kahramanmaraş And The Surrounding Area
As Ibn Haldun University, we keep a close eye on what is happening in the earthquake zone, where Kahramanmaraş is the epicenter.

We will heal our wounds together. Owing to this fact, we immediately put our earthquake action plan into practice with the contributions of our university administration, academic and administrative staff, and students:

What We Carry Out in Accordance with IHU Earthquake Action Plan

  • A volunteer team of 150 students was formed. Our students will actively contribute to the aid campaign launched by our Social Responsibility Club.

  • Until Wednesday, February 8, 2022, 17:00, our university members will be able to contribute to the aid campaign that launched throughout our university in accordance with the list of urgent needs stated by the Turkish Red Crescent:

    • Sleeping bag,
    • Space blanket,
    • Pocket warmer,
    • Synthetic underwear,
    • Gloves, scarves, beanies.
    • Polar blanket, fleece interlayer,
    • Winter coat,
    • Boots
  • For those who want to donate cash to the earthquake area, AFAD's bank account information has been shared with all of our members.

  • For those who want to donate blood, services were provided from our Ibn Haldun University Campus and dormitories to Çam and Sakura City Hospital on Monday, February 6, 2023, at 14:00 and 15:00.

    Services will continue to be provided to the Red Crescent Blood Collection Centers in our district every day throughout the week. Service information will be shared with our students and members via e-mail.

  • In addition to our aid campaign, the administration of our university will purchase blankets/quilts, diaper packs, hygiene kits, outdoor clothing materials, and mats and deliver them to the GSB Youth Center or Kızılay to be transferred to people in need in the earthquake area.

  • We contacted the colleges in the earthquake region and expressed that we are ready for any kind of support.

  • We immediately began working to provide psychosocial support services to those in need in the earthquake area, just as we did in the 2020 Elazig-Sivrice Earthquake, with the supervision of our Psychotherapy Application and Research Center (IPAM) and Guidance and Psychological Counseling Application and Research Center (REDAM).

We pray for God's mercy on our citizens who lost their lives in the earthquake, a rapid recovery for those who were injured, and patience for everyone in the earthquake region.

As we have done in the past, our nation will heal its wounds together.

We hope that soon our wonderful country will recover fully.