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Two Research Projects Developed by IHU’s Students to be Supported by TUBITAK

Two Research Projects Developed by IHU’s Students to be Supported by TUBITAK
The results for the 2021/1 term of the applications made within the scope of the "2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program" have been announced

The results for the 2021/1 term of the applications made within the scope of the "2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program" have been announced. The program is carried out by the Presidency of Scientist Support Programs (BİDEB) of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).

Within the scope of the program, 2 research projects developed by Ibn Haldun University (IHU) students were entitled to support.

The student of Psychology Department Betül Çakır was awarded TÜBİTAK support for her project titled “The Effect of Including Autobiographical Works in the Language and Literature Classes Taught at the Undergraduate Level on the Dissemination of Skills such as Tolerance and Empathy among Students.” The project supervised by the faculty member of the Comparative Literature Department Dr. Emine Hoşoğlu Doğan comprises the student Emine Umaç in the executive team of the project.

The student of Philosophy Department Mehmed Zâhid Mete will be supported by TÜBİTAK with his project titled "Identification and Analysis of 16th Century Arabic and Turkish Metaphysical Works in Manuscript Libraries in Turkey," which will be supervised by Philosophy Department research assistant Rıza Tevfik Kalyoncu.

IHU congratulates its students and supervisors and wishes them continued success.

For Detailed information (in Turkish): https://tubitak.gov.tr/tr/burslar/lisans/burs-programlari/icerik-2209-a-universite-ogrencileri-arastirma-projeleri-destekleme-programi