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IHU Establishes a Center for Munazara and Argumentation Ethics

IHU Establishes a Center for Munazara and Argumentation Ethics
Ibn Haldun University (IHU) established the Munazara and Argumentation Ethics Research Center.

Ibn Haldun University (IHU) established the Munazara and Argumentation Ethics Research Center.

Munazara and Argumentation Ethics Research Center (ArguMunazara) aims to contribute to the theoretical development and application of argumentation theory, and to the practical application of the art of debate, taking into account the dimensions of critical thinking and ethical action. The center aims to pave the way for benefiting from critical thinking and debate manners in Ibn Haldun University, as well as through national and international activities. To this end, the center compiles both traditional and contemporary research to redefine and transform Munazara into a fruitful framework. It works to disseminate its research and other relevant studies both in lectures and research within the university and in other national and international activities.

Web site: https://argumunazara.ihu.edu.tr/en/home/