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Information About İbn Haldun Dormitories


The Features and Facilities of The Dormitories

There are dormitories for girls and boys in the Ibn Haldun University Complex. It can accommodate 743 students, including 361 girls and 382 boys. In order to benefit from the dormitory facility, the student must attend classes by registering for each semester. Students who lose their right to dormitory due to absenteeism cannot enroll in the dormitory in the following semesters.

Dormitory rooms are for 3 people. Every comfort has been considered for students in the rooms and generally in our dormitories. In the dormitory buildings, there are special study areas, recreation areas, social-cultural activity areas and a library, as well as aerobics rooms for girls and fitness centers for boys, and hobby kitchens. The basketball court and tennis court located right next to the dormitory buildings are also available to students.

Various workshops can be held in the dormitories in line with the wishes of the students; Social and cultural events are organized.

Application and Acceptance Process

Dormitory applications will be made on the turgev.org website between 22-28 August 2022. Students who have not stayed in TÜRGEV dormitories before are required to register on the turgev.org website by specifying a username and password.

After completing the education information from the profile section, the campus dormitories will appear in the system and the student will be able to apply for the campus dormitories.

Dormitory application results are planned to be announced as of September 2.

Fee and Payment

Covering the period between 15 September 2022 and 30 June 2023, the annual accommodation fee is 21.375 TL and can be paid in advance or by 9 equal installments. A 5% discount will be applied for cash payments, and the relevant amount will be deposited into the account of the Turkish Youth and Education Service Foundation Economic Enterprise, Albaraka Participation Bank TR85 0020 3000 1542 6025 0000 40.

To compensate for the damages that may be caused to the dormitory fixtures, 2250 TLdeposit fee will be deposited to the Albaraka Participation Bank TR58 0020 3000 1542 6025 0000 41 account of the Turkish Youth and Education Service Foundation Economic Enterprise during registration. In case the student graduates or wants to leave the dormitory at the end of the academic year, the deposit will be refunded, provided by the condition that he or she has not damaged any fixtures.

For detailed information and questions about the dormitories:

Female Dormitory Directorate
GSM: +90 531 501 47 21
E-Mail: ihukizyurdu@ihu.edu.tr

Male Dormitory Directorate
GSM: +90 538 394 99 41
E-Mail: ihuerkekyurdu@ihu.edu.tr