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Ibn Haldun University and Northern Illinois University Sign MoU to Strengthen International Ties

Ibn Haldun University and Northern Illinois University Sign MoU to Strengthen International Ties
Ibn Haldun University (IHU) and Northern Illinois University (NIU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday, March 13, 2023, at our main campus. The MoU aims to enhance collaboration between the two institutions in various areas of mutual interest.

Visiting from NIU were Prof. Dr. Kerry Wilks, Associate Vice President of International Affairs, and Dr. Awni Alkarzon, Coordinator of Middle Eastern Initiatives and International Student Recruitment.

During their visit, discussions were held on potential project areas between the two schools, and deans, chairs, and academics from IHU participated in the discussions. The agreement is expected to pave the way for greater collaboration in research, academic programs, and student exchanges.

After the MoU was signed, a campus tour was organized to showcase the various facilities and academic offerings of IHU. Both parties expressed their excitement about the opportunities the MoU presents for collaboration between the two institutions.

The MoU signing marks a new chapter in the partnership between NIU and IHU and is expected to open up new opportunities for collaboration between the two institutions in the years to come.
